Monday, February 7, 2011

Old Diabetic Test Strips Making This Difference?

My family has a history of diabetes, so my level of blood sugar. Everything was normal. I can not afford test strips I started using my father died of age. Its monitor even that his group does not match mine. The tapes have expired. I'm starting to get readings on the 600. However, I'm not going ketones (the bands are new and still in force). Could the age group to be the origin of these high values? Thanks for any help. Certainly, the age group. If your blood sugar was so high, you have to be in the hospital! Yes, please throw it away and help you control your blood sugar doctor, do not know what kind of glucometor you use, but the code # in the test strips match glucometor code? How have they become obsolete? To make sure you can call the company that makes it. Of course! Bands expires. The good new reads or after the date on the package. Readgins may be too high or flow. Absolutely! If you have health insurance will pay for certain goods unless you are diabetic, do not buy more lists. If you have a primary doctor, ask him to draw blood for hemoglobin A1c. These measures average blood glucose level over a period of three months. If you are concerned about diabetes, a glucose tolerance test performed in a laboratory. If you are overweight, you have to lose pounds. Just because your family has a history of diabetes, which is often hereditary, whose entry into adulthood. Sometimes it's the story, because maybe your family is overweight, or practice the same habits that make them vulnerable to diabetes. My two sisters are overweight do not have diabetes, but my mom and I have. They are prone to diabetes due to obesity, like many other members of my family. It is not hereditary though. I diabetes for 7 years, pills are not insulin. I had diabetes as a result gain weight effect of a drug. I'm happy to say I was a weight loss of 15 pounds since June, my blood sugar in the blood were normal, and I did not have to control my diet pills I can keep the carbohydrate intake is low (breakdown of carbohydrates into sugar), unexplained weight loss is now a problem - I'm done with a thyroid test to see if I have an overactive thyroid, which increases metabolism, so weight loss and normoglycemia. I hope it is so easy to take a second pill Please take my advice into consideration. I wish you all the best. yes it definitely has to do with another band. You can buy them cheaper on ebay, at least what I do. Happiness. Yes, I thought, sucks the blood of my test strips are used, and reusing them would save money and also with expired strips so they do not work and they give you broken readings. If your blood sugar was 600 pee you would not be in the hospital, you and drink a lot, but. I'm happy to say I was a weight loss of 15 pounds since June, my blood sugar in the blood were normal, and I did not have to control my diet pills I can keep the carbohydrate intake is low (breakdown of carbohydrates into sugar), unexplained weight loss is now a problem - I'm done with a thyroid test to see if I have an overactive thyroid, which increases metabolism, so weight loss and normoglycemia. I hope it is so easy to take a second pill Please take my advice into consideration. I wish you all the best. yes it definitely has to do with another band. You can buy them cheaper on ebay, at least what I do. Happiness. Yes, I thought, sucks the blood of my test strips are used, and reusing them would save money and also with expired strips so they do not work and they give you broken readings. If your blood sugar was 600 pee you would not be in the hospital, you and drink a lot, but.


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