Saturday, March 5, 2011

Is there a program out there to help cover costs of diabetic testing strips?

I have no insurance. I have a job so they do not qualify for medicaid.Im too young for Medicare. Try to Medicaid. If you are disabled you are eligible for measurement, it is worth checking into. If you already have Medicare ads diabetic free supplys AFRE really free. My parents used to provide a Dad'sdiabetic. Also talk to local pharmaceutical Yur months. They always know what drugs comp anise sacrifices. Check with your pharmacist, also talk to your doctor or go to a clinic. Much of the pharmaceutical companies provide free drugs and medical supplies and clinics for those in need. I'm in a similar situation, except I'm disabled because of diabetes. I do not qualify for Medicaid, and do not qualify for Medicare Auguat. I look everywhere. Nothing yet, but I'm still looking. If you find something, please let me know and I will do the same.


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