Sunday, February 20, 2011

where can you buy cheap test strips for a diabetic test machine?

Array they are not cheap, and it is with insurance, they are sometimes less and sometimes your doctor may suggest a number. but if your elderly person sometimes they are paid by Anotehr place you should check. sample companies' web pages, sometimes there are some useful links. Try calling your local human resources and ask if they know of any places that help people with some income. There is no thing.sorry, but your insurance will pay. In addition, the ADA means to help patients with diabetes cost of the facility. I just found out im type 2 a month ago. I know where comes from. Do you have one of the clinics in your area? I have one that gives out care based on your income and a sliding scale sorta thing. They have a pharmacy that sells test strips and they were 18 bux cheaper than Walmart and stores as CVS and Walgreens. I also looked on e-bay selling the 100 series for the price of 50 I think something around 40-50 for 100 bux not buy, but I think I'll give it a try because my normal monitor its about 60 bux for 50 bands and 42 if I discount the pharmacy. every penny counts. good luck test strips for a cheap machine diabetes test glucose meter at Walmart is $ 9. You can get 100 test strips for $ 44.00. The brand is called Relion. It is a good and reliable unit. Anywhere I've been looking for years to get my drivers amblunance Somtimes.


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